
Has anyone actually managed to build the ExampleGLES1 sample for Android? If 
so, what magic incantations did you invoke to achieve that goal?

Following this tutorial, I have managed to get osgSceneGraph itself to build, 
but when I get the the point of attempting to build the sample and run 
ndk-build, I get compiler errors --- perfectly reasonable ones -- when 
compiling osgNative.cpp. There are several calls to env->GetStringUTFChars that 
pass the keyword 'false' when a pointer to a jboolean is expected. That's gonna 
result in a compiler error every time.

If I edit the offending file and change false to NULL in all the right places, 
it compiles but i later end up with a slew of linker errors indicating 
undefined references to

   std::type_info::before(std::type_info const&) const

I'm attempting this on Linux (openSUSE 12). Myself, I am mostly a Windows C++ 

Any assistance, hints, or magic words would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


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