The CullVisitor traverses the scene graph and assembles a render graph. The structure of the render graph is composed of RenderBins, some of which might actually be RenderStages.

The current RenderBin changes under two circumstances:
- The CullVisitor encounters a Node with a StateSet whose RenderBin details require a different RenderBin. - The CullVisitor encounters a Camera, or some custom Node that calls into the CullVisitor to change the RenderBin.

The CullVisitor contains built-in support for Camera. The CullVisitor changes the RenderBin to the Camera's RenderStage during CullVisitor::apply(Camera&).

If you want to derive a class from RenderStage and insert it into the render graph, you can do that with a custom Node class. But because CullVisitor doesn't know about your custom Node, you must overrides Node::traverse(). In that method, call into the CullVisitor to set your custom RenderStage. I have done this before, and it does work. Most recently, I used a custom RenderStage to implement depth peeling in which occlusion query was used to determine the number of passes.

You might also be able to insert a custom RenderStage by editing the render graph directly, perhaps with an osgViewer Operation. I have never tried this approach.

There is no way to "register" a RenderStage for Cameras to use, as far as I know. But as you already know, you can do this with RenderBin. So if you don't require any of the functionality of RenderStage, then perhaps a custom RenderBin would suffice.

Hope this helps,

On 1/2/2013 1:01 AM, Aurelien Albert wrote:

I use differents custom RenderStages : as pre-renderstage for pre-processing 
and as post-renderstage for post processing.

These processing are executed using FBO render targets.

Currently I'm doing that with slaves cameras, but :
  - the "RenderStage" class is derived from the "RenderBin" class
  - it is possible to register new RenderBins using the  
"addRenderBinPrototype" method

So I wonder if it is possible to create a new RenderStage prototype to replace 
my slave cameras ?

How to configure the rendertarget of these renderstages ?

My goal here is to learn how to create / customize RenderStages and RenderBins.

Thank you!


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