Hi Sebastian,

On 17 February 2015 at 21:07, Sebastian Messerschmidt <
sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I'll update and test against my code.Don't hold your breath, though ;-)
> Anyways, thank you very much for this feature.
> If we manage to solve the other problems with this release (serialization
> and VPB) it might evolve towards a really great major one.
> Advocating for those, not wanting the old fashioned shader composition
> dying: I suspect I will run into problems as soon as I test the
> core-profile based stuff. In the old approach I do the BindFragLocation
> stuff based on the shader code parsed, which I cannot do anymore.But maybe
> there are ways around this.
> One idea popping into my head was to provide some "createProgram" callback
> inside the stateset to gain control over those aspects. This might remove
> the need for a ShaderComposer etc.
> Attached some example using merge (and changes avoiding GL_*).

I changed the GL_ yesterday evening and just testing out your example
modification with the merge everything works as before the addition of the
merge code so hopefully means my fixes yesterday are working as intended.

W.r.t serialization and VPB.  I haven't yet added support for serialization
for the StateSet define list - I'll add this once the functionality is a
little more widely tested.  I'm guessing you don't mean this though... If
not then these discussions are for other threads.  On the VPB side I
checked in one fix from the community and one myself which got VPB back
working on my system.  Again these things are for other threads.

W.r.t providing a StateSet::createProgram() this specifically wouldn't fit,
but the general idea is something I've been wondering about.  Rather than
coming up with an elaborate ShaderComposition framework you just pass on
the ability to customize Program, or collate Shader's in the scene graph
into osg::Program.  This isn't something I want to dive into right now
though as it's orthogonal to the #pragmatic shader composition
functionality.  And frankly I just want to get OSG-3.4 out the door sooner
rather than later.

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