Hi Glenn,

On 19 February 2015 at 16:21, Glenn Waldron <gwald...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well.. the possibilities really are endless. Today in osgEarth there are
> probably 15+ VirtualProgram modules for terrain alone, plus various others,
> and support for including custom user shaders (http://goo.gl/I51FHv).
> What they have in common is a contract: a set of legal injection points
> and function prototypes. None of these modules know about any of the
> others, and the built-in main() functions don't know about any of these
> modules beforehand. But as long as each one abides by the contract they
> will work together.
> Perhaps a contract-based approach can be built on top of the new
> #pragmatic system... that is what I am wresting with at the moment... Maybe
> using #pragmatic one could specify some pre-defined injection points.
> However it isn't clear then how you would inject multiple functions and
> multiple modules using the #define approach, or how you'd support
> overrides, etc.

One can place the #define's into the GLSL main()'s to serve as the
pre-defined injection points and then have these populated by the
StateSet::setDefine(..) methods.  StateSet::setDefine(..) fully supports
the OSG's established OVERRIDE/PROTECTED/ON/OFF functionality that exists
for Modes, StateAttribute and Uniforms.

One thing that isn't currently supported to pre-pending or appending define
values to #define's that already have a value, so if one provides a value
of the FS_END_OF_MAIN #define it can only take one value.  Potentially
would could add this ability but it'll complicate the API and
implementation so unless it's shown we really need it I'll not

With having lots of different shader possibilities, adding them all to a
Program and only having the ones that are used linked (by utilizing the
#pragma requires(..) functionality) should be efficient.  However, since
you will now at scene graph creation time what shader combinations are
needed one should be able to just populate the topmost osg::Program with
the all the shaders that are required and then have then enabled/disabled
individually as required.

I am optimistic that you could probably replace the old VirtualProgram
approach in osgEarth with #pragma(tic) shader composition, but of course
this could only be done for users using OSG-3.4, which really doesn't help
you too much as it only exists in my future plans so far :-)   I don't
expect any issues with the two co-existing so it's not something we
probably need to worry about for a good while.

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