On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Florian Weidner <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> FYI:
> Right now, it looks like I'll use a) Unreal Engine, b) Unity Engine or c) an 
> in-house pbr graphics engine focused. The first and second have a nice 
> feature set, but aren't open source. the last is open source but lacks 
> necessary features (yay. coding ahead ^^). However, I like the idea and 
> concepts of open scene graph and will try to integrate my solutions (which 
> are targeted to new user interfaces) with osg in my free time. So be prepared 
> to hear more from me :)

Unreal is "open source" - the source code is on Github, freely (as in
beer) available. It isn't  open in the sense of Free software - there
are licensing restrictions you need to obey, mainly concerning
royalties if you make some sort of commercial project with it.

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