Hmm, AFAIK, it is a Google group, with optionally used mail list functionality,
like some others, e.g the BRouter group.
The mail list functionality had to be explicitly activated, not sure if on the group or the account level.

Dne 12. března 2020 5:14:34 A Thompson <> napsal:
Aaargh. I meant overestimates not underestimates. Wouldn't it be better if this were a google group where posts could be edited, rather than a mailing list archived as google group?

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 3:57:45 AM UTC, A Thompson wrote:
As I understand it, the A* algorithm uses a heuristic that estimates the cost of the as-yet unexplored route from a point to the goal. If this function never underestimates the cost, then the optimal route is guaranteed to be found.

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