I have noticed OSMAnd using more and more power over the past few years. A 
couple of years a go I updated my phone (Samsung S8) JUST to try and get 
better battery life when using OSMAnd. Alas, even when knew, OSMAnd in 
navigation mode just ate through the battery of my S10. I can run other 
gps-based software which TRACK my ride all day, but OSMAnd in NAVIGATION 
mode lasts just a couple of hours max. It's also slow to render the (off 
line standard OSM) maps when moving so you are on to junctions before turn 
instructions appear. Which makes me think the navigation engine is burning 
I'm a long time paid supported of OSMAnd and recommend it to everyone, but 
I now find myself adding a caveat about battery life. I've tried turning 
everything off that runs in the background, but it makes little difference. 
Looking at my message, it seems what I should do is just set OSMAnd to JUST 
record my track (without Nav) and see what battery life is like then? 
Certianly when I have the OSMAnd app open and displaying on my phone, 
without nav or record, battery consumption is much better, but still much 
more than other apps (that just record a track while displaying an off- or 
on- line map.

On Saturday, 5 June 2021 at 21:57:03 UTC+10 Greg Troxel wrote:

> "'P Wat' via OsmAnd" <osm...@googlegroups.com> writes:
> > a) "Just normal daily use receiving mail, texts, making the odd phone 
> call, *running 
> > Osmand as a map*, the consumption is OK". To which I could add listening 
> > to radio for several hours per evening, and other usage.
> It sounds like you are saying that having OsmAnd open, using the GPS,
> and displaying the position does not seem to cause excessive drain.
> If I followed you, it is having OsmAnd compute routes and follow the
> route. Is that what you mean?
> I have not really noticed increased drain, but I always use external
> power when navigating in the car, and rarely use it on foot. I have
> noticed my phone seeming a bit hot when taking it out of the car on
> arriving.
> It would be good to have some kind of CPU time usage metrics for the
> app (as a system tool to watch; I don't mean to suggest this be part of
> OsmAnd).

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