Hi Jayne.
The partners don't HAVE to be involved but it does benefit them as well. Sometimes a friend comes as a partner, sometimes just the mum alone. The relaxation techniques can be used forever and especially during the night when babies decide that they don't want to sleep or it's been a long day and going into the relaxation can calm you down gently and quickly. 
We teach the partners how to do light touch massage and recognise what the mum might need during her labour, so they are more hands on if the mum wants it to be. It gives the partners something to do and become more involved in the process. I often have dads come in and sit down arms folded and grim "I HAVE to be here faces". The next week they are almost first to sit down with the "I'm ready face". So funny to observe them. And the confidence in themselves that they get is awesome and the mums know they have real support. Even the sceptical dads do so well.
On the other hand I have mums come alone. Some want to do it that way or have no choice but to do it that way. I always offer my services as a labour support person should she need it. They learn again how birthing goes, the body's knowledge to give birth is there they've just forgotten how to use it. If I could take a video of her in the first class and then in the fifth class you would not recognise her. She is so much in her power, so ready to take charge of her birthing and FULLY understands how her body works and trusting in it's ability to do it.
I conduct five classes of one on one because I like to have that interaction with my couples (or individuals). That way I can design the class personally for each one. Everyone has different needs and fears that need to be addressed. I know the day will come that I will have to hold classes but they would be small classes, perhaps 3 couples but I also work with individuals. My couples have my home phone number from the very first class and are encouraged to ring if they have any concerns rather than wait til the next class. Deal with it there and then. I charge $400 for the 2-2 1/2 hour classes and this includes a great text book, 2 audio tapes a CD and handouts. You will usually start classes around 26-28 weeks. That allows lts of time to practice. I have started classes as late as 35 weeks with the same great results.
They learn how to put themselves into self hypnosis during a surge (contraction) which is simply a state like meditation NOT sleep. They are aware of everything around them, hear everything around them, and react when you ask a question. When the focus during a surge is over they will talk, laugh, move around, whatever they want to do. They are not confined to bed. I have seen mums stand and sway for hours on end in absolute bliss because that's how they wanted to do it. Others want to be more active.
Even if medical intevention becomes necessary my mums report how great their birthing was and how much they owned their birthings. We teach about bonding with the baby before birth and when you think that a baby's hearing is fully developed at 18 weeks gestation they KNOW you very well. That's why when they are born they search for your face. They have heard it for so long and now want to meet you. Wow it makes the hairs on my arms stand up just typing it. It's an awesome sight as many of you well know.
HypnoBirthing isn't for everyone as I know some of you have stated some women like to own their pain but we offer a choice if it's wanted. Some women arrive so fearful of giving birth like I read in a post yesterday, that we have to dehypnotise them before they can learn to trust in their body.
I have great respect for the wonderful job midwives do. I know many of you out there have to be there and how hard it is in some circumstances. I thankyou on behalf of all women for being there both in hospitals and at home. Sometimes a midwife is the only friend a woman has there at that time.
I am very passionate about the work I do (as if you couldn't guess) and I don't have any ulterior motive other than to say women deserve to have the birthing experience they want to have, whichever method they choose. My aim is to be there no matter what their choice is.
I guarantee in our classes that you won't quack like a duck :o)
warm regards
Diane Gardner


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