Hi Abby - I have been feeling supicious this am  about the motives behind the call yesterday - sounds like we may have similar instincts! I have heard nothing from the producer so maybe I was being "softened up" -  I didnt really stop and think about it as i was rushing round yesterday, but had planned to act a bit "dumb" anyway and not give away any "evidence" so she wont actually know what I will argue if we do go at it.
There was a good article in the Brisbane Courier Mail yesterday with the "evidence' included.
Im off to do a toddler workshop this am. This gentle stuff needs support at all levels.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re Today show on Monday

>>actually says she supports much of what I say, she would never "routine" a bub under 8 weeks  BUT - does believe in routines for bubs over 8 weeks and makes a packet selling her routines and articles from her website.
Ahh another money making scheme for mothers that helps them to not believe in their own abilities as a parent.
>>I certainly don't agree with a lot of what I have read or  that if mothers feed 4 hourly - (the same time every day) they will make enough milk for their babies - ie their bubs will get a better feed than if they feed every 2 hours . 
Hmmm, love to see her evidence for this.
>>I actually pointed out that I dont believe mums should need to know what is a hunger cry - crying is a late hunger cue and got an agreement on that - BUT -she says,  its easier to teach stressed mums to do a routine than to teach them baby cues and they have nobody to learn that from. She seems to be very into the type of cry.
So, how does a woman who has never had children know even one childs cries? I find this very strange. All babes are so different and as you said Pinky, crying is the last sign of hunger, not the first.
>>She does have some commonsense ideas and thinks co-sleeping is a good option, but I wish she would stick to these rather than pushing stuff like the "deep end" approach etc that you would have read -this is her reaction to controlled crying and she says babies are only left while they are "tantrumming" not if they are upset and crying -
A baby "tantrumming"?? Babies cry for a reason and who likes to be left alone when they feel the need to "tantrum" if that's what she likes to call it.
>>Tizzie has a PR person working for her (I feel like a total amateur in comparison, at least in that regard -I have had kids tho -she hasn't!) .
Speaks for itself really, no kids=amateur in parenting.
>>She is concerned how she will be portrayed/ who they will make the "baddie" -ie they could be trying to recreate the Penelope Leach/ Gina Ford stoush (Im certainly no Gina Ford!! and am in total awe of Penelope) and also how this will confuse mothers.
I would be worried to if I was her, but in reality, the media usually loves the person with the answer to the "problems" babies cause. I think her ridiculous ideas she gets printed are far more confusing than a debate would be. Gosh most things she writes goes against a mothers heart.
>>Her intentions sound good but I am not sure what to make of all this and havent had any news of the show being canned because she told me she was planning to "withdraw" - I am happy to go a round or two with anyone who does babytraining whoever it is and there are lots of horrific stories out there. If we can give "evidence" for our stance mothers are big enough to make responsible choices and babytraining isnt evidence based.
Maybe the whole phone convo was a bit of a scare tactic, like you would hopefully say that you didn't want to do it and then Tizzie wouldn't be the one pulling out. I hope the show does go ahead Pinky. I am sure that so many of the babes of this world will thankyou!
Love Abby- who has major problems with the way Tizzie writes!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re Today show on Monday

Thank goodness they asked YOU to challenge this woman advocating such awful ideas.
I remember first seeing you on ACA a long while ago... where you were challenging controlled (er..'cruel')  crying. I e-mailed you immediately - as you spoke from my heart.
Babies everywhere are SO lucky to have you as their very vocal advocate!!!  x x x x x
Go Pinky!!!
-- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:37 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Re Today show on Monday

Hi all,
I will be on the Today Show on Monday  at 8.10am - debating agaisnt Tizzie Hall sleep"expert". She's a former UK childcare worker who advocates strict routines for babies -you probably all know what I think of that and this is why they have asked me -I think they are wanting a "stoush" a la Penelope Leach and Gina Ford!

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