Tizzie bailed out at teh last minute apparently so they went ahead with a discussion on sleep - played pics of screaming babies in cots with parents standing by. As they were doing this TRacy came into my ear plug (Being in Melb studio I was in a large empty room with equipment/ Bright lights in my eyes and one technician)  She said we are going to go straight to how to make babies sleep -I mentioned something about parents feeling very confused and worried about spoiling babies - she said -= or neglecting them (which I took to mean she thopught letting bubs cry was ok) then the segment was on.
My 15 tips were across the screen during the interview - I had sent these earlier in hope that there could be an opportunity for a facts sheet on their website - they were going to impose mine and Tizzies sites while we spoke (but no website went on screen so a bit of a waste for follow up).  I couldnt see these to comment  (remind myself) as the tech switched off the monitor. I mentioned a few practical things and that infants dont sleep like adults etc - it seemed very short but I quickly figured well - all those who cosleep wont relate to the screaming bubs so I may as well point out that there could actually be REASONS for babies to be so distressed. And I said that controlled crying wasnt an option as it gave the message not to reach out when babies need help.
my brain has rattled all day how I could have done better but any impression that gentle options are best is a start.
I have had good feedback but I guess people didnt know what had been planned initially.
All comments welcome
----- Original Message -----
From: JoFromOz
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re Today show on Monday

GRRR I can't believe I forgot to watch!  What happened??

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