A friend of mine gave birth in a popular private Sydney hospital a few weeks 
ago, was induced (her choice, against OBs preference, amazingly he doesn't like 
to induce before 41w) - 2 doses of gel, ARM, synto. The only EFM was one trace 
at the start of the process. The midiwife caring for her asked her a number of 
times for a further trace, which she refused, usually by saying she wanted a 
shower now or to go to the toilet and that was that. She had discussed this 
plan with her OB in advance and knew she had his support, so she was fully 
prepared to send the midwife off to sort it out with him if the midwife had 
tried to bully her about it but it did not come to that. So there are hospitals 
around where it is possible.

At 7:03 AM +1000 17/6/06, Kelly @ BellyBelly wrote:
> >>I would love to hear what other hospitals are doing with Syntocinon
>Inductions.  Is it policy to use continuous CTG's throughout labour?
>From my perspective only, it seems to be all of them at the induced /
>augmented births I have been attending. I attend usually one but sometimes
>two births a month and it seems it's all part and parcel to be strapped down
>with Synto AND EFM in the bigger hospitals. Haven't been to a birth that's
>otherwise anyway.
>We work very hard to fob off any synt-happy midwives and doctors, especially
>where the membranes are ruptured even if it's only been an hour or two (yes
>I'm afraid there's pressure from midwives too, one was in a 'Know Your
>Midwife' program and thank goodness we were able to say no enough times as
>she did establish contractions on her own after the ARM).
>It's such a big effort sometimes that you can see how a woman without good
>support is going to be more likely to accept this as what's needed or feel
>overpowered, but you do it because you know you not only get synt you get
>continuous monitoring too. Say no and you get an entourage of doctors
>Another challenge too is not only letting them have that choice, but choice
>without having an inappropriate comment made after she makes a choice
>alluding to the health of the baby, e.g. '... but if you keep labouring
>without the monitoring, I can't tell you / guarantee that everything will be
>okay for your baby down the track...' or mentioning the 's' word...
>I don't know how many times one poor woman struggling to get the confidence
>to say no was spoken down too, not in a nasty way, but with lots of little
>dug in comments, she had to fight to say no to antibiotics, no to synto
>sooner after only an hour or two, EF monitoring, a drip for her baby in case
>he had strep b, which he didn't, the list goes on.
>Best Regards,
>Kelly Zantey
>Creator, BellyBelly.com.au
>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
>BellyBelly Birth Support - http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth-support
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bowman Family
>Sent: Thursday, 21 September 2006 4:35 AM
>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>Subject: Re: Re: [ozmidwifery] How long before synto is used?
> I agree with you, the proceedure should not be compulsory and I will take
>this up with colleagues, women should be given the right to choose if they
>want this, and I suppose the best way to go is what Emily has suggested and
>explain to the mother and write it in their notes if they choose to not have
>I find this whole policy/proceedure thing often very difficult  to work
>with, but hospitals do have to work within the safety of policies and
>guidelines to protect not only the mother and baby, but the hospital and
>staff themselves.  In a court of law they will have to show that they
>followed proceedure. and have risk management in place.
>I would love to hear what other hospitals are doing with Syntocinon
>Inductions.  Is it policy to use continuous CTG's
>throughout labour?
>Our policy is still at  the updating stage  and has room for change
>Thank you also Emily for you advise.
> Linda
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