>Thanks for organizing the petition, Dave :-)

>So, the current "architecture" of the oasis.palm.com server means that the
>KB searches can't happen on port 80 since it is in use by another process
>on the same box.  Given that the KB has to be on a nonstandard port, which
>port number would work without having to reconfigure your firewalls?

>Switching to another port would probably be relatively easy, but moving it
>onto another machine would be lots more work, somewhat due to cost but more
>due to beurocratic reasons.

>-David Fedor
>Palm Developer Support

I really don't know anything about these port settings. I just know that I 
could not search the Knowledge Base like I used to, and the statement about the 
8080 port and problems with fire walls concerned me, because it would mean 
potentially involving our MIS department.

>Can you just go to an 'anonymizer' web service, like 
>http://www.anonymizer.com/ .  Once >there, put in your real destination.  In 
>case of the knowledge base, http://oasis.palm.com/dev/kb/ .  With any luck, 
>all of the port >8080 communications will occur between
>the KB and the anonymizer.com site, and the results will be presented back to 
>you over port 80.  >For one-click access, click here:
> http://anon.free.anonymizer.com/http://oasis.palm.com/dev/kb/ .

I tried this, and it worked (I haven't tried printing, I hear it's slow). Just 
for grins, I next decided to try directly accessing the Knowledge Base again, 
and that works now, too. So, for the moment, I am satisfied, because it appears 
that I can get there from here...

Dave Heil
Preco Electronics

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