
> First, we will need to buy a Palm unit

As already pointed out, use POSE first! Unless you aren't in the US, in
which case getting the ROM images is problematic without a device of
your own.

> I've seen a Palm application built with Satellite Forms($$$), and was
> told it was quite simple.  

Yep. It is. I did a prototype app in a couple of hours once, including
learning SF. There's a Lite/trial version floating around on some of the
Palm programming book CDROMs. It's restricted in what it can do, though.
Basically no code (unless you write your own in C/C++), no user-defined
menus & there are runtime licence issues. 

> But most of my on-line research recommends
> CodeWarrior($) as the preferred development software.  

Once again, a lite (free!) version is on some of the CDs. I personally
find it pretty crappy, but I'm used to Delphi. Having said that, if you
can do it on a Palm you can code it with CW. There is a Pascal compiler
coming out next year, which will do everything CW will, but it's a while
off yet (

You might also want to consider one of the database applications like
HanDBase if the application is simple enough.

Also consider whether you are going to need a conduit or not (to sync
with data on a PC or server). Some of the tools have conduits and some
don't. Some only transfer data and don't synchronise it. Palm say you
need Java or VC++ to write a conduit, but that's not true (you can even
write one in VB).

Even with CW, palm apps aren't THAT difficult to write. Go for it!

Jim Cooper


Jim Cooper      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tabdee Ltd

TurboSync - Writing Palm conduits with Delphi

Learn how to program Palms in Pascal with the
Pocket Studio Early Experience Program!

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