Hi Dhruv,

> On Oct 5, 2022, at 1:13 PM, Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com> wrote:
> Yes, none of the changes require it! 
> But this existing idnits warning made sense to me and thus I added the 
> disclaimer. Let me know if that is a mistake, I can revert!  

Is there actually pre-2008 material in the draft? I didn’t do a detailed check 
with that in mind, but it seems like there shouldn’t be, it’s new work. I see 
that warning from idnits pretty often too, I don’t know what triggers it, so 
I’ve kind of trained myself to ignore it, probably not the best habit :-(. The 
main place I expect to see the pre-2008 disclaimer is on a bis of a pre-2008 

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