> Wikipedia FR uses "ébauche" for stub and "Modèle" for template:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod%C3%A8le:%C3%89bauche

Let's keep "ébauche" then.

> And "infobox" seems to be a universal term in Wikipedia:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod%C3%A8le:Infobox

Well, in plain French, it would rather read "boîte d'information". In
current French: "Boîte d'info". Most people would understand "Infobox"
though. Should we stick to the choices made by Wikipedia, although
they're not always "correct" (in the sense they sometimes merely
copy/paste the existing English word, counting on the fact the average
francophone know enough of English to complete the scheme eg. "infobox",
thus expanding "Franglish") or compete  and try to forge something both
plain French and adequate?
There have been already a few successful attempts in the latter way:
courriel, ordinateur, redingote...


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