
I read the auction Collin mentioned and would have expected a working MX 
camera, not a broken one.  The seller claimed it was in great shape!

Some of us follow eBay daily.  As a courtesy to others watching the stream of 
equipment auctions float by, we do not point out the bargains to the pdml 
list as the auction nears it's end.  If you want a bargain, do the homework 
and don't spoil it for the others who are doing their homework.  Telling the 
pdml about it will assure that some list reader with more money than you will 
be in there at the last second and outbid you for it.

(The exception if for your own auctions.  If you are selling something 
Pentax, feel free to mention it on the list as there are any number of 
potential buyers here.  Folks often offer it to the list before they put it 
onto eBay.)

Despite all of the above, questions about equipment and how it operates are 
always welcome on the pdml.  Just don't point out the auction you are 
thinking about.  I see this all the time.  If you must refer to a specific 
auction, try to ask the question in the first day or so that the item is 
listed.  Don't point it out in the last 6 hours of the auction.  You are sure 
to lose it this way!

Regards,  Bob S.


> I have a question that seems to be related to Collin's case. Is it
>  customary in this list to post eBay auctions asking advise on item
>  description etc? Or it would surely mean that one who really wants the
>  item will not get it through his fellow PDMLer's outbidding him/her...
>  I looked at that auction and did not two things:
>  1. All words in description have first capital letter. To me it is
>  positively wacky.
>  2. The seller mentioned some more than 10 years old problem with the
>  camera still sounding evasive about it.
>  Not that I am trying to be smart ass after deed kind. Simply if it
>  would've been possible to post auctions and if fellows here would warn
>  each other based on their experience, perhaps we could benefit.
>  Now of course, it has to be first rate pure gentlemanship... Or I am
>  being too naive here... Neither pun nor offence is meant.
>  ---
>  Boris Liberman

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