You may need a powered hub. Often that is the case when there is more than one USB device per controller.


Peter Alling wrote:

It's possible that USB is disabled in the setup for your computer. If you

how to get into the setup utility you will find this either under advanced or hard
ware options, (or something similar). If USB is disabled when you enable it and
reboot you computer WinME should, (and should is the operant word), recognize new
hardware and install the native drivers for it. Then plugging in a USB device will
enable the native drivers for that device if it is supported.


Nope. I use one USB for my scanner. The other one for the printer. The front one I change by unplugging and replugging (got two scanners and now the card reader).

Still haven't solved this one yet. I took off the Windows Update feature from my start bar a couple of years ago (thinking it was just more stupid M$ advertisement or advancement) -- do'h! ;-). But I found it in the help section. Went to site, downloaded DirectX and a general ME upgrade. Something barfed. Can't update file 1% from 2%. (Wish the parameters had showed). And it was not clear what other files to download. Most of the upgrades seemed to do with IE. And since I use AOL's IE that was not helpful.

Reinstalled card reader software. Nope.

The problem seems to be that the card reader, and the camera if plugged into the USB, seem to be seen as removable drive mediums. Once I got the camera icon in the Windows explorer window. But I've never gotten the card reader to appear as a card reader icon (which according to info. with card reader I should).

Frustrating. Still playing with it.

Maybe someone has Windows ME? If so, could you contact me privately? I could write down the name of the dlls that I appear not to have and maybe you could sent them to me in a zip file by email. That might work. Anyway, if so, please contact me.

I am a bit stumped.

Marnie aka Doe Or a lot. :-)

-- graywolf

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