Kevin, could you test something out if you're free- do both an auto and
manual focus (spot AF, at 1.4, without flash) of some reasonably close text
(e.g. a 50cm away shot of the word Microsoft on your mouse perhaps?) and see
if there's any difference? I've noticed over several shots that my AF shot
of the text is very disappointing, not registering clean edges..


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Waterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: my ist D AF problem

> This one time, at band camp, "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Would be well worth testing on a film body too.  It might just be the AF
> > system in the *istD which is often said to have such focussing
> > innacuracies with fast lenses (like the FA 50 1.4 for example).  There
> > might be nothing wrong with the lens either...
> I use a FA 50 1.4 with the *istD and have had no problems
> Kind regards
> Kevin
> ---------
>  ______
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> | |      ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ /
> |_|       \____) \_||_| \____) \____)
> Kevin Waterson
> Port Macquarie, Australia

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