It's really very simple. Where are you now? What feels comfortable? What are you going to shoot after your spurt?

If you are coming from the ability to use Hyper mode, you'll miss it on any other body than the D. (Surprise, this was the key reason I spent the extra money.0

How does it feel in your hand. I liked the build quality and the ease of working. If it doesn't feel right, you have to overcome that feeling to get comfortable using it. Sometimes that point never arrives, and the camera feels like a chore to take with you and use. For me, coming from a Z-1, it felt just a tad small. The availability of a battery grip clinched it.

You've got a whirlwind of activity coming, but at these prices, you'll probably be using the body for a lot longer. What do you normally shoot? If you are primarily involved in action shots, you may want to look elsewhere. I've never had a write time or focus issue, but food doesn't normally run around. It might melt under the lights, but that just means not placing the delicate items under the lights' heat until just before the shooting.

Good Luck with whatever you choose. There's a lot of great choices out there.

Larry in Dallas

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