On Fri, 15 Sep 2006, mike wilson wrote:

>> From: Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: 2006/09/15 Fri AM 08:42:43 GMT
>> To: "pentax list" <PDML@pdml.net>
>> Subject: Re: K10D kit lens
>> On 15/9/06, mike wilson, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> Come and buy it in the UK.  _Then_ you'll find out what ripoff means.
>> I used to agree with that, but lately my outlook has changed.
>> If I buy a camera from a retailer, and it breaks, my first and only port
>> of call is back to the retailer. They have a statutory duty to sell
>> goods fit for the purpose for which they were intended. They sort it out
>> and either refund or replace, certainly within the first year.
>> We pay a general premium on this. Any comments?
> If it's a genuine failure, the retailer will be reimbursed by the wholesaler 
> or manufacturer.  No cost(ish).  A 100% premium for something that doesn't 
> cost anything seems a bit steep.
> (I understand that Europe is further from the manufacturer than the US but, 
> in the case of the NY dealer whose price we are talking about, only 
> marginally.  And I understand that there are benefits in living here over the 
> US [8-)] which require higher taxes.)

Things are very simple in this comparison. Is the premium for a Pentax 
bought in the UK the same as that for a Nikon, a Canon or an Olympus? 
My colleague, long-term Pentax-user who bought Olympus, did not think 

If you care you can do the comparison.


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