On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, J. C. O'Connell wrote:

> Why should I "accept" an opposing opinion
> (especailly one I STRONGLY oppose) I that dont believe in or cannot be
> backed
> up with a good factual argument to support
> it. I wont and never will. Its called conviction.
> I dont expect everyone to agree with me on everything,
> and many many things are gray which I avoid.
> But to expect me to just "accept" anything else
> without good cause is simply crazy. And secondly,
> I honestly believe that there are people posting
> here opposing viewpoints they dont even believe
> in just to oppose me no matter what I post.
> jco

        You don't have to accept it.  You should, however, realize that 
others might have a wildly different point of view and an opinion.  That 
doesn't make them wrong, just different from your viewpoint.  When you 
express your *opinion* as FACT and then argue with those who don't agree 
with those "facts," it incites anoyance.

        The HDTV "argument" was particularly obtuse.  Yes the picture is 
better... quantifiably so.  Yes the prices have come down... they are 
still not cheap.  You fail to understand that for a lot of people, TV is 
not very important... whether the picture is NTSC or IMAX, it doesn't 
matter to them.  It's a *personal choice* on their part that you need to 
be able to accept and understand.



* Cory Papenfuss, Ph.D., PPSEL-IA                                       *
* Electrical Engineering                                                *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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