> It will end up in the Ocean to be recycled by nature either way.

I'll give you one reason to minimise use of hot water. 

Hot water is made of water and energy. Energy is also global. Your
electricity could come from any place from the planet, from coal or from
gas, or other sources. And waste from fossil electricity  production is
probably one of the courses to the global heating. 
So; less use of electric energy means less waste. Less waste means less
global heating. Pretty simple really (assuming your energy is not recyclable
and locally produced) 

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

-----Original Message-----
J. Alling
Sent: 25. desember 2006 08:29
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Doomsday is coming upon us?

David Savage wrote:
> On 12/25/06, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I live in a place with abundant water.  I can use as much as I wish
>> without adversely affecting your life, or anyone else's.
> Good news
>> .Should I stop
>> taking hot, (or cold), showers in solidarity with you?
> No, but if you could keep them down to no longer than a couple of
> minutes, I'd appreciate it.
Why prey tell should I?  It will end up in the Ocean to be recycled by 
nature either way.

>> On the other
>> hand a really cold winter can cost a great deal of money in fuel to keep
>> a minimal "comfortable" temperature, (which for me is really quiet
>> chilly apparently, according to my friends).  Will you help me pay my
>> heating bills?
> If you pay my cooling bill.
I really didn't think you would.  Do what I do, in reverse, turn the 
thermostat up.
>> Life on this rock has always been uncomfortable, humans
>> have always attempted to change the environment to make life easier for
>> themselves.
> True. Increasing population levels add an interesting variable.
>> If you don't like it you can try to live on some other
>> rock, good luck.
> Funny guy.
> Consume, consume, consume. What could go wrong?
> Dave
Lots can go wrong.  However unless you can find a way that I can 
teleport some of that water to you I see no point in "conserving" it.  
Denying myself a luxurious shower can't help your situation in the 
least, .  It's kind of like cleaning your plate because children are 
starving in (fill in the blank), they'll keep starving and you'll get fat.

Save water because people are thirsty in Australia?  Sheesh.  Build a 
desalinization plant.

Things should be made as simple as possible -- but no simpler.
                        --Albert Einstein

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