Looks good Paul. I entered a local paper competition recently and, to my
astonishment, won some web building software. I can now see a use for it;
how much time have you invested in this? Your photos have very varied
subjects - most interesting.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Stenquist
Sent: 24 December 2001 01:58
To: Pentax Discuss
Subject: A Website (Hey, I'm trying)

After considerable knashing of teeth and whining to Shel about how hard
this is, I have finally managed to construct the beginnings of a
website. I still haven't figured out the thumbnail thing, so I have to
apologize for a page of medium size jpegs, but at least it's a page :-).
And I don't think these would be the photos I would choose to define my
work, but, hey, they were hanging around on my hard drive. So with all
those disclaimers, it's here
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