Thanks Wendy,
I'll probably end up replacing the whole site with some other templates,
perhaps the PUG style or one of Shel's. The pages I used are from Earthlink's
Click & Build system, which is fairly inflexible as far as I can tell. In
other words, you can't modify things or move them around. All you can do is
fill in the blanks, loading up your own pics and typography.

wendy beard wrote:

> Paul,
> Well done, it's hard if you've never done this sort of thing before.
> If you haven't figured out the thumbnail thing, then one trick if you have
> files of varying dimensions is to give them a page each.
> I use coffee cup software's html editor ( which is
> incredibly simple - but I'm not ready to let you lot see my web pages just
> yet!!! This software has the ability to create thumbnail images for you and
> also has built in ftp capabilities so you can upload your pages directly.
> There are probably trillions of other programs that do this too but I'm a
> simple kinda gal!
> I nearly missed your gallery link on the index page, so I'd move it up to
> above your e-mail link.
> Looking forward to seeing the rest of your portfolio!
> Wendy
> At 06:57 24-12-2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >After considerable knashing of teeth and whining to Shel about how hard
> >this is, I have finally managed to construct the beginnings of a
> >website. I still haven't figured out the thumbnail thing, so I have to
> >apologize for a page of medium size jpegs, but at least it's a page :-).
> >And I don't think these would be the photos I would choose to define my
> >work, but, hey, they were hanging around on my hard drive. So with all
> >those disclaimers, it's here
> >
> ---
> Wendy Beard
> Ottawa, Canada
> -
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