On 4/12/2010 11:56 AM, Perry Pellechia wrote:
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Larry Colen<l...@red4est.com>  wrote:

Just to confuse matters, I've been having a wonderful time using Sasha's
tamron 90/2.8.  I haven't used the pentax 100/2.8 but I like the images from
the tamron better than with my Pentax DFA 50/2.8.

I've been running up against the minimum focus distance on my DA40, hence my
question about the DA35 macro a while back. Has anyone tried using a Raynox
250 on a DA40?

I would try an extension tube before a conversion lens.  I have tried
a short tube (10 mm?) with my FA50/F1.4 and gotten good results.  I am
guessing the FA77 with a short tube would make a good combination.
Anyone try this?

My question was related to, but separate from Tanya's. For me the conversion lens would mean not needing to take the lens off the body and less chance of getting crap on the sensor.

I've got macro lenses, for that matter, I've got simple diopter filters too.

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