2010/5/31 steve harley <p...@paper-ape.com>:
>> Anyway, during conversation, he mentioned some study or other where
>> researchers had found that Mac users typically are somewhat less
>> intelligent than PC users.
> citation please, or it's balderdash; best i can find is a 2002 study that
> says Mac users (then, at least) were richer and better educated
> <http://news.cnet.com/2100-1040-943519.html>

Statistically insignificant observation from a population of nature
photographers in the South Atlantic last year:

The Mac users had far less general computer competence than had the PC users.

This is based on my conversations and observations around

- how to enter data in an Excel spreadsheet (Mac or PC)
- how to organise and manage digital images on a computer, with
whichever software (LR, Bridge, FotoStation, ACDsee, Aperture and
PhotoMechanic were represented).
- conciousness of file size in jpeg vs raw
- understanding what "text-only email" actually means.
- how to set up and adhere to a personal backup strategy
- understanding the risks of sharing personal information on social media

I could list more things too, but I think you get the picture. The Mac
users that fell through most badly were the most adamant about Mac
being "so much simpler" than PC. They tended to look at their computer
as a sort of magic box that would take care of all the things they
didn't understand. The PC users, regardless of competence level, were
much more aware that they had to put in an effort to understand what
their computer was actually doing with their data.

There were no indications that education or financial status had any
impact. But then again, you can't be severely short of funds in the
first place, when travelling from Europe to Antarctica.

I can only hope that the sample of photographers was somehow skewed,
because the ignorance among some of the Mac users was really scary.



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