2010/6/1 Cotty <cotty...@mac.com>:
> Your sample: they were nature photographers but were they professional
> nature photographers or were they from varied and different professional
> backgrounds?

Varied and different professional backgrounds.

> Would you like to hazard a guess what the outcome might have been if you
> were aboard a boat full of professional photographers ? (By this I mean
> people whose main source of income is from their photography.)

I would guess that at least half the people there sustained an income.
Whether it was their main source I dunno.

I see what kind of argument you play me up to, but even this
pre-condition is no warranty. For example, one of the guys made a
substantial (his word) income from printing fine art for other
artists. He owned one of those giant Epsons, nine thousand something.
I had to help him recover his LR catalogue twice, convert his emails
to text-only, help him set up his Macbook PRO to take backup to his
portable disk... In general I have never seen anyone struggle so much
with a computer interface has he did. He still maintained, though,
that Mac was simpler than PC. From watching him, I was less convinced.

He was a damn fine photographer, though.



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