I'm with you on this one, Bob. If it does not from frontal attack the best way to proceed is to retreat and apply the "frog in the hot water" tactic...

On 12/19/2012 5:00 AM, Bob W wrote:
this whole thing feels to me like a deliberately storm-provoking opening
move. They will came back soom with something else that's only slightly less
outrageous, and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief because it's not as
bad as it could have been, and 'we have listened to our customers'. They
will then bit by bit start nibbling away at it until they've got what they
wanted in the first place.

It's a very common ploy used by politicians, property developers and other
greasy bastards. A couple of years ago there was a plan put forward here to
build some collosal tower blocks at the end of the street, right by the
river, spoiling a world famous view. Of course there was a storm of protest;
the developers 'listened to local residents', and got permission to build
stuff that would probably have been rejected if they had proposed it first
time round. A few months ago, building halted 'due to the downturn', but has
recently been restarted but they have proposed a change to the plans which
almost reinstates what they originally asked to do.

It becomes a war of attrition as these greedy bastards do their damndest to
fuck the ordinary people every which way in pursuit of their filthy lucre.

'Monetize'. Whoever thought that one up should be buried up to his chin in
concrete and his mouth used as a public toilet. At 20p a time, to monetize


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