My understanding of Dawkins’ notion of meme is that it is specifically not 
anything more than a causal entity, passed on by repetition through receptive 
channels common to the transmitter and receiver. Meaning is not a part of their 
transmitability, though we can assign meaning to them, and often do, but this 
is an overlay, and not part of their essence as transmitable units. I think 
there are problems with making sense of their transmitability, not to mention 
of their identity conditions, but it seems to me that their “not being 
semiosic” is beside the point. Dawkins sees their dynamics as very much like 
that of solid material particles.

John Collier
Professor Emeritus, UKZN

From: Edwina Taborsky []
Sent: October 20, 2015 9:36 PM
To: Helmut Raulien
Cc:; Peirce-L
Subject: Re: Re: Open axiomatic frameworks (was: [PEIRCE-L] A Second-Best 

Helmut - I'm against the very notion of 'memes' because they are non-semiosic. 
They are akin to solid material particles - and the cognitive process does not 
swallow solid material particles. It transforms them within the semiosic 
process. Again, memes are non-semiosic and not amenable to semiosis; you 
swallow them.

I don't get your binary sets of
Meme-vs - rational belief
Diffusion - vs -narrative

Diffusion is a process; narrative is a 'thing'.
Meme is a 'thing'; a rational belief is a conclusion arrived at via reason.

----- Original Message -----
From: Helmut Raulien<>
Cc:<> ; 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:10 PM
Subject: Aw: Re: Open axiomatic frameworks (was: [PEIRCE-L] A Second-Best 

Sorry that I always add supplements, but now there is something about diffusion 
I want tio add: A crystal of potassium permanganate diffuses in water and turns 
it pink, but in oil it does not. A meme or an idea diffuses only when it is put 
into a proper social environment, that is a social system with a structure that 
allows the idea to diffuse (and copy itself). That is why I think, that the 
diffusion concept is not wrong, but neither complete.
Clark, Edwina, Stephen, List,
I do not see, that there is an either-or, regarding memes and rational beliefs, 
or diffusion versus narratives, or subconscious versus conscious 
structure-elements. I think, that there is both, and that it always is good to 
make the subconscious conscious, that is, to uncover memes to see where they 
come from. Many of them are myths, that is lies- and these lies may have been 
told deliberately, or they may have come up by a social systems own dynamics, 
as any system intends to reinforce itself. Anyway, to make the subconscious 
conscious is the way of psychoanalysis, and I do not see, what is so wrong 
about it, fundamentally. Of course, it is bad to have a wrong analysis, and 
Freud probably was wrong in many places (eg., that a child is 
polymorph-pervert). But I think, it is very good to replace a diffusion with a 
narrative- if the narrative is telling the truth, and if this can be made sure. 
Can it? By scientific method?

"Clark Goble" <<>>

On Oct 19, 2015, at 1:25 PM, Edwina Taborsky 
<<>> wrote:

Clark - I prefer not to think of Jung.  You wrote:

"the sorts of things structuralism dealt with in treating the mind as 
literature were correct."

I'm not sure what you mean by the above.
In most ways psychoanalysis is treating the mind (especially dreams) as if they 
were a literary work to be interpreted with the various ways literature was 
interpreted.  That’s why even though Jung, Freud and company aren’t typically 
taken seriously in science they still are in literature departments.

The way a person interprets literature simply is quite different from say what 
goes on in contemporary psychology or cognitive science.

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