Jon, List ...

I've mentioned the following possibility several times before, but maybe not 
too recently. 

A sign relation L is a subset of a cartesian product O×S×I, where O, S, I are 
the object, sign, interpretant domains, respectively.  In a systems-theoretic 
framework we may think of these domains as dynamical systems.

We often work with sign relations where S = I but it is entirely possible to 
consider sign relations where all three domains are one and the same. Indeed, 
we could have O=S=I=U, where the system U is the entire universe. This would 
make the entire universe a sign of itself to itself.

A very general way to understand a system-theoretic law is in terms of a 
constraint — the fact that not everything that might happen actually does.  And 
that is nothing but a subset relation. 

So the law embodying how the universe represents itself to itself could be 
nothing other than a sign relation L ⊆ U×U×U.



> On Apr 6, 2017, at 3:36 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <> wrote:
> List:
> With the discussions going on in a couple of threads about semeiosis in the 
> physico-chemical and biological realms, a question occurred to me.  What 
> class of Sign is a law of nature?  I am not referring to how we describe a 
> law of nature in human language, an equation, or other representation of it; 
> I am talking about the law of nature itself, the real general that governs 
> actual occurrences.
> As a law, it presumably has to be a Legisign.  What is its Dynamic 
> Object--the inexhaustible continuum of its potential instantiations, perhaps? 
>  How should we characterize its S-O relation?  It is not conventional 
> (Symbol), so is it an existential connection (Index)?  What is its Dynamic 
> Interpretant--any given actual instantiation, perhaps?  How should we 
> characterize its S-I relation--Dicent, like a proposition, or Rheme, like a 
> term?
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
> -
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