Jon A.,

I was attepting to express as understandably as possible. To offer answers to your quest for exactness would take more time than I have at my disposal. - Sorry for that!!



Jon Alan Schmidt kirjoitti 10.4.2017 21:44:
Kirsti, List:

I am indeed exploring the hypothesis that all Signs can be classified,
but not necessarily assuming that this is always easy to do.  On the
contrary, I recognize the difficulty in many cases, including this one
in particular--which is why I sought input from the List.

"Our existing universe" is not limited to the past; it includes the
future, but it obviously does not include any other universes or
"Platonic worlds."

How exactly would you pose "the Kantian question about 'Das Ding an
sich'?  What makes you think that I am "trying to get a short way out
of" it?


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman [1] -

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 7:29 AM, <> wrote:


The presupposition in your question(s)you do not take up is the
presupposition that all signs can and may be (easily) classified. -
If you look up some detailed versions of Peirces classifications of
signs, and you'll see what kinds of problems I mean.

"Our existing universe" does not go hand in hand with "laws of
nature". The nature of laws is to predict what is to come, what will
happen (if so and so...). So they are about the future, just as

It seems to me that you are trying to get a short way out of the
Kantian question about "Das Ding an sich", the thing in itself. -
There is no short and simple way!
That much is shown beyond doubt by today.

Best, Kirsti Määttänen


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