

I only just got round to reading MS 717, which you attached, only to
discover that the passage I quoted in my comment to Lowell 3.14 today is
part of it! Jungian synchronicity? Anyway, it will probably take me awhile
to peruse the whole thing, as I'm still busy with the Lowells, and both CP
and Robin this "fragment" about 10 years earlier than that. So it will
probably be some time before I'll have anything much to say about its
relation to the Lowell lectures or the existential graphs. Let us know if
you have further thoughts on the matter.


Gary f.


From: Jeffrey Brian Downard [] 
Sent: 21-Jan-18 11:47
Subject: Fw: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.12


Hi Gary F, Gary R, John S, List,


Peirce seems to suggest there is a difference in kind involved in moving


1. points on line (relation of dimension 0 to dimension 1)

2. lines on a surface (relation of dimension 1 to dimension)--and so on with
higher dimensions.


It is clear that the Alpha graphs, which express what is called the core of
the deductive theory, involve diagrammatic relations of the order of (2)
above and not (1). As such, I think it might help if we draw on examples
involving lines on topological surfaces when thinking about what is involved
in the three systems of the EG and how those formal systems might be used to
help us analyze reasoning and thinking. Doing so enables us to draw on the
kinds of points that Peirce makes in the little essay called "Categories"
that is in the NEM vol. 4 (MS 717), which I have attached for those who
might be interested in drawing on what he says there for the sake of
clarifying the connection between the discussion of the EG and the
categories in Lowell lectures 2 and 3.




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