Robert, List:

I think that we might have finally landed on some common ground here, as I
have no major objections to what is described below as "the *chronological
order* of discovery," especially since the poset (3→2→1) is rightly
described as "a *candidate *to be the 'skeleton-set' of phenomenology"
(emphasis mine). I look forward to seeing what is forthcoming in the
subsequent "parts."

My biggest quibble so far is the ongoing attribution to André De Tienne of
*hostility *towards mathematics and mathematicians, which I believe is a
misreading of his actual stance. I understand his motivation (and that of
this slow read) to be simply calling attention to phaneroscopy as a
distinct practice, such that it is neither overlooked completely nor *conflated
with* mathematics.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian -

On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 4:51 AM robert marty <>

> List,
> My initial comment was to salute Jon Alan's message (Peirce-l - Re:
> [PEIRCE-L] AndrÃ(c) De Tienne: Slow Read slide 23 - arc (
> <>, with a
> single quote from Peirce that I thought particularly adapted to introduce
> the objectivity necessary to understand the current debate started with
> André de Tienne's slow read bellicose towards mathematics and
> mathematicians... I wanted to exploit the general scope, but this finally
> led me to a too-long text, the basis of a future article and/or book
> chapter. So I propose it to the debate in several parts ... a quick read,
> so to speak ... Here is the quote from JAS and then the part (A):
> *"The only end of science, as such, is to learn the lesson that the
> universe has to teach it. In Induction it simply surrenders itself to the
> force of facts. But it finds, at once--I am partially inverting the
> historical order, in order to state the process in its logical order--it
> finds I say that this is not enough. It is driven in desperation to call
> upon its inward sympathy with nature, its instinct for aid, just as we find
> Galileo at the dawn of modern science making his appeal to il lume
> naturale. But in so far as it does this, the solid ground of fact fails it.
> It feels from that moment that its position is only provisional. It must
> then find confirmations or else shift its footing. Even if it does find
> confirmations, they are only partial. It still is not standing upon the
> bedrock of fact. It is walking upon a bog, and can only say, this ground
> seems to hold for the present. Here I will stay till it begins to give way.*
> (CP 5.589, EP 2:54-55, 1898)[emphasize mine]
> Modeling in Humanities: the case of Peirce's Semiotics.
> Chronological, logical and sociological aspects.
> A- the *chronological order* of discovery is:
> 1- the abstract observation of phenomena; it suggests that three
> categories in relation of "involvement" are candidates for a complete
> description of phenomena (this is the work of the "phaneroscopists" with
> Peirce at the forefront, of course)
> 2- the search in the mathematical repository for an object in strict
> correspondence (i.e. isomorphism) with these observations (otherwise
> mathematicians can create new ad-hoc objects). We find a very simple object
> which fulfils these conditions. It is a candidate to be the "skeleton-set"
> of phenomenology. It is a very simple structure of order called (Poset).
> 3 - the inductive phase: by going back to the phenomena provided with this
> abstract form, one verifies in each particular field [such as Experience
> (see Houser), relative predicates, psychology, etc], the relevance and the
> correctness of the abstract observation made in point 1. It is an
> implementation phase which verifies that the formal structure is well
> inscribed in each field of knowledge. This verification is possible thanks
> to the mathematical language provided in point 2, which is stripped of
> substance from the specificities of each of the fields in which the
> abstractions have been made. It is a common language that allows us to
> verify the universality of the first extraction (realized more than a
> century ago by Peirce).
> 4 - In the purely mathematical field, we can now generate new forms with
> all guarantees of universality since they are independent of any real
> existence. As we have a Poset, we can in this (algebraic) category of
> Posets, not only generate new Posets, but also benefit from all the
> possibilities of linking them to other mathematical structures (graphs for
> example). One can then proceed to"natural" (formal) extensions and then
> return to the abstract observations of the "phaneroscopists", starting with
> those of Peirce, in order to "see" (sometimes literally by observing
> various mathematical diagrams: Veen or representations with points and
> arrows) if there is the possibility of finding other skeleton-sets which
> would be endowed with the same utility and the same universality. This is
> notably the case for the 10 classes of signs, which are not only generated
> but are also naturally classified in a particular structure of Poset called
> Lattice. Peirce did not have this structure at his disposal, since it only
> really became established in the mathematical field in 1940 (Birkhoff).
> However, he had the intuition of it by identifying "affinities" (CP 2.264)
> between classes, thanks to which he traced diagrams which it is easy to
> show that they are inscriptions of the mathematical lattice in Peirce's
> semiotic theory.One can easily spend time on the hexadic signs and discover
> that this is not possible for the decadic sign as long as new observations
> have not shown how to classify the four new trichotomies with relations of
> determination.
> Everyone will realize that this chronological order is the one I have
> personally followed. But I used the "on" and not the "I", because I claim
> without fear of being contradicted, that any other mathematician,
> connoisseur of Peirce's writings or any connoisseur of Peirce who would
> make the effort to go towards this mathematics, certainly abstract, but not
> very technical, would come to the same conclusions as I did. I am the
> inventor (1977) in the sense that this term is used in archaeology; in
> fact, in archaeology, an invention is the discovery of an archaeological
> site or object. The term "inventor" is used to qualify the person
> responsible for this discovery.
> What I have just described is the chronology of a mathematical model of
> phaneroscopy and Peirce's semiotics. The "phaneroscopists", the
> "bricoleurs" in Lévi-Strauss' non-pejorative sense, the "informed"
> mathematicians, are the actors. By necessity, mathematicians have a
> particular role that Peirce has described with precision:
>  "… *Thus, the mathematician does two very different things: namely, he
> first frames a pure hypothesis stripped of all features which do not
> concern the drawing of consequences from it, and this he does without
> inquiring or caring whether it agrees with the actual facts or not; and,
> secondly, he proceeds to draw necessary consequences from that hypothesis"*
> (CP 3.559).
> Honorary Professor; Ph.D. Mathematics; Ph.D. Philosophy
> * <>*
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