I would be very surprised if Peirce were not at least
somewhat familiar with Hölderlin. Hölderlin was a major
19th century poet, and Peirce was steeped in German
literature. I imagine he read German as fluently as
English, having read Kant in German as a teenager.


From: C S Peirce discussion list [PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] on behalf of 
gstic...@mindspring.com [gstic...@mindspring.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Peirce and Hölderlin

I've not found anything in a bit of a cursory search
-----Original Message-----
From: Cassiano Terra Rodrigues
Sent: Aug 31, 2011 1:46 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Peirce and H=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6lderlin?=

Hello list:

Does anyone know whether Peirce knew anything by Friedrich Hölderlin?
I'm thinking specifically about Hölderlins poem called Mnemosyne, where the 
image of man as sign appears. I found this link to the poem:


And also this quote from Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (I couldn't make sure 
yet whether or not it's from "The Death of Empedocles"/ "Der Tod des 
Empedokles", by Hölderlin):
"Der Pathos des Sängers ist nicht die betäubende Naturmacht, sondern die 
Mnemosyne, die Besinnung und gewordeneInnerlichkeit, die Erinnerung des 
unmittelbaren Wesens." (sorry, I can't translate that into English and couldn't 
find the translation online, but it's from the Phenomenology of Spirit, 
VII.B.c: The Spiritual Work of Art).  This quote seems to indicate to the same 
general philosophical point as CSP does in his 1868 papers on cognition: the 
impossibility of an imediate knowledge. Anyway, just a point of historical 
curiosity; but the Hölderlin case seems more interesting, to me at least.
All the very best to all,
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George Stickel
Southern Polytechnic State University
Cell: 404-388-7162

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