Sabri Oncu:
It is neither up to the U.S. nor to the rest of the
west to bring peace to our region

My response: I wholeheartedly agree.

and I don't give a
shit to that so-called reconstruction, either.

I disagree. The left anywhere can't afford to express such a deep lack of concern for a people who have been through it for so long. We might have discussions and disagreements about process undertaken to end US occupation and to strike a blow against US imeprialism. But I don't agree that it is ever a good idea, or maybe anything other than cynical, to say we don't care about what the outcome of the situation will be, no matter how far out of our control or from our ideal it ends up being. I just refuse to accept the "the worse a situation is, the better it is" argument that too many people on the left hold. Especially when, and I hate to keep hiting on this, many of the people I know who push that line, never have to experience "the worse" part.

All my best,

Joel Wendland

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