
> But I don't agree that it is ever a good idea,
> or maybe anything other than cynical, to say
> we don't care about what the outcome of the
> situation will be, no matter how far out of
> our control or from our ideal it ends up being.

This is not what I said, or at least not what I had in
mind when I said what I said.

If you agree with this:

> It is neither up to the U.S. nor to the rest of
> the west to bring peace to our region

You should also agree with this:


We, that is, those of us who are from there, will
reconstruct our part of the world, not the U.S.
neither the rest of the west.


If we screw up along the way, so be it.

> I just refuse to accept the "the worse a situation
> is, the better it is" argument that too many people
> on the left hold.

It is because you are a western leftist. The situation
cannot get any worse than this. Whatever we do to
fight the invaders, and it is my sorrow that at this
time that I am not among those who are fighting, it
can only get better. Whether the outcome will be good
or not is another issue.

But whatever the outcome, it will be better than what
is there now.



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