On Mon, 29 May 2000 18:51:31 -0400, Bernie Parent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Same old story and Microsoft philosophy. Embrace, extend and extinguish.
>Perl was once the software for all computers and operating systems.  Ports
>once supported 
>Borland compilers.  Microsoft provided dollars to Activestate under the
>auspices of providing
>Perl for Win32 and Borland is abandoned.  Coincidental.  I don't think so. 

This is all rather wrong.  First, you might want to know that Microsoft
even sponsored the first port of Perl 5.001 to Windows.  This was a long
time *before* the support for Borland was added.  Support for the Borland
compiler appeared in Perl 5.004 and was implemented by Gurusamy Sarathy.
And Sarathy still makes sure that Perl compiles with Borland (5.02) on
Win32.  This support has never been removed.  Your are just spreading FUD.

>Hope the DOJ is successful .  Until they are, Microsoft will continue to
>weaken innovations outside
>of their house or extend and extinguish software to their liking.

So you would rather not have Perl available on Win32?  Boggles the mind;
I would think it is the platform that needs it the most. :-)


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