Ted Ashton wrote:
> It appears to me that there's a focus problem here.  After all,
> if I want to use CGI or CGI::Minimal, I can already do that. 
> The auto-autoloading, unless I am sorely mistaken (which is
> quite possible :-), is for the purpose of moving things out
> of the core and yet allowing them to act like they are
> still in (a process which has been decried as basically useless
> when it is simply limited to things such as time(), but which
> might be more significant if it also related to major pieces
> of functionality such as formats or "complex regexen" or some
> such). 

I think you're right, but it's probably also the same underlying
mechanism. For stuff like formats, it seems that there will likely be a
Format.pm that now handles the stuff described in Damian's RFC 230.

So, I don't think that there's any difference between loading
Format::format() and CGI::param(). The same mechanism should work for
both. I picked CGI because it was obvious but perhaps Format or Socket
would have been more appropriate.


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