My question is, what sort of information actually belongs in a final version of the 6PAN spec? I'm assuming it will at least include 6PAN Package format (layout, metadata, etc), and I'd suggest that it also include the layout of packages on the 6PAN server.

Some have suggested a particular install tool process/sequence, and indeed there's a lot of information currently in S22 about this. Does this actually need to be in the spec, or would we be better off having a separate 6PAN module working team that worries about this, and gets the wealth of detail out of the spec, because it seems to me like a lot of this is design notes for writing code, rather than a Spec.

(If nobody objects or comments, I'll refactor it into two separate documents, S22-6PAN, and design notes for actual software).


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail:    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
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