On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 04:08:49PM +0400, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
> On 07/30/2010 01:27 PM, Steffen Schwigon wrote:
> >Richard Hainsworth<rich...@rusrating.ru>  writes:
> >>I am not aware that there is a convenient way of obtaining a short
> >>description about each module, other than just the name?
> >
> >Perl without CPAN feels like Kung-Fu on stack-heel shoe.
> CPAN as a concept is not the issue. CPAN IS what makes perl so superior.
> The problem at the moment is the variety of suggested enhancements
> to CPAN, which does have its own issues.
> There is an inevitable transition period between now (the release of
> the Rakudo Star distribution) and some point down the timeline when
> it will become clear how to arrange a CPAN-type setup for Perl6 (not
> just the Rakudo implementation of perl6).


Speaking as the overall manager for Rakudo-related stuff, Rakudo's
current stance on anything module-management related is going to be 
"rough consensus and running code".  In other words, ideas and
proposals are welcomed, but actual code and implementations are
likely to have the greatest influence on the ultimate details and

> All I am suggesting is that the directories containing modules also
> contain a METADATA file with some standard items, and that this
> metadata is required for a module that is registered. Even if there
> is a CPAN system, the metadata would still be needed, so there is no
> extra work for developers.

I would also like to express a desire that we follow many of the principles
expressed by Miyagawa's excellent "cpanminus" utility[1] for CPAN.  In 
particular, it should be possible to have a basic module installer and 
manager that performs basic module functions and has few (ideally zero)
external module dependencies.


[1] http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/App-cpanminus-1.0006/lib/App/cpanminus.pm

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