On Sun, 2011-02-01 at 22:30 +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> >> Thanks.  Found that already.  It does not list the questions asked and I
> >> can't figure out how to download the PDF report or to clone the
> >> repository it's in on github. 

Jan Involdstadt suggested I look at TPF website and following the link
to the 2009 survey, I figured out how to get the git url (they've
changed the interface since I was last there).

 git clone git://github.com/singingfish/Data-PerlSurvey-2010.git


 less Data-PerlSurvey-2010/data/all_data.csv
 perldoc Data-PerlSurvey-2010/lib/Data/PerlSurvey/2010.pm

gives you most of what you need.


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