Thanks for the responses. Let me comment on each here:

> It is a normal form of an equation in Iran. In Afghanistan, also a
> Persian speaking country, mathematical notations are expressed the
> same way as in English.

Even in primary school? When kids learn to write "1+2+3" do they start
straight away to write mathematics left to right in the middle of
right to left text? Among the common differences you see in primary
school mathematics are the long division notation. e.g. In English
it's written as shown in
<>. In french it's:

           14523 | 34
             92  |------
             243 | 427
               5 |
Another example is the division sign. Sometimes you see:
½, or 1/2, or 1:2, or 1÷2, or 1

etc. These are differences between different variant of the "Western" notation,
and they require different rendering rules for MathML. That's what we're trying
to figure out as much as possible all the variants.

> I don't know how is arabic mathematics but the picture is a normal
> form of an equation in Persian

I don't know the difference with Arabic either. But what I notice
relative to English is that the limit sign is stretching. And I
wonder if other common operators are the same. How about sine
and cosine? Are they always written 'sin' and 'cos'. Are there local
variations? (e.g. in French, 'tan' is written 'tg')

> I think the "stretched" word "limit" is just a stylish way of writing
> which compensates more space for the "x --> pi/10". However, "pi/10"
> is a fraction, if I am not wrong, and should be written like the other
> fraction "1/4".

So the stretched 'limit' wouldn't always be stretched?


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