
On سه‌شنبه, 2005-10-18 at 11:42 +0100, Max Froumentin wrote:
> Thanks for the responses. Let me comment on each here:
> > It is a normal form of an equation in Iran. In Afghanistan, also a
> > Persian speaking country, mathematical notations are expressed the
> > same way as in English.
> Even in primary school? When kids learn to write "1+2+3" do they start
> straight away to write mathematics left to right in the middle of
> right to left text? 

That's right. Even in primary school.

> Among the common differences you see in primary
> school mathematics are the long division notation. e.g. In English
> it's written as shown in
> <http://www.mathsisfun.com/long_division2.html>. In french it's:
>            14523 | 34
>              92  |------
>              243 | 427
>                5 |
We do that this way:

        14523 | 34
        136   |-----
        ------| 427
          92  |
          68  |
          243 |
          238 |
> Another example is the division sign. Sometimes you see:
> ½, or 1/2, or 1:2, or 1÷2, or 1
>                               -
>                               2

÷ is used as division sign.

> etc. These are differences between different variant of the "Western" 
> notation,
> and they require different rendering rules for MathML. That's what we're 
> trying
> to figure out as much as possible all the variants.
> > I don't know how is arabic mathematics but the picture is a normal
> > form of an equation in Persian
> I don't know the difference with Arabic either. But what I notice
> relative to English is that the limit sign is stretching. And I
> wonder if other common operators are the same. How about sine
> and cosine? Are they always written 'sin' and 'cos'. Are there local
> variations? (e.g. in French, 'tan' is written 'tg')
I've seen both tan and tg in mathematic books. But I don't know which
one is official.

> > I think the "stretched" word "limit" is just a stylish way of writing
> > which compensates more space for the "x --> pi/10". However, "pi/10"
> > is a fraction, if I am not wrong, and should be written like the other
> > fraction "1/4".
> So the stretched 'limit' wouldn't always be stretched?
Not always but usually. Not stretched one (حد) isn't usually long enough
to write "x --> pi/10" or other thing under it.

> Max.
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