Marc G. Fournier wrote:
Maybe the BF members could just run their default autoconf as part of the
build if they have one.

you lost me on that one ... Tom is hestitant about moving to 6.1 because we don't know what the fall out will be ... since I imagine the fallout would be in the configure/build stage, if we modified CVS to have a 6.1 configure script in place, wouldn't the buildfarm servers not be a good means to test *if* there is any fallout?

If the first thing some of them do is re-run autoconf, then we should get test results for a variety of versions as found on various distros. We would then be able to tell which versions may or may not work which could help us when we need to upgrade, or if someone has problems with a specific version when hacking (which should be rare I appreciate).


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