On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 7:09 AM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> I'm expecting to spend some time on this over the weekend, once I've
> re-read the thread and patches to see if there is something to commit.
> That's my last time window, so this looks like the last chance to make
> changes before beta.

I updated the patch and split it into two parts (attached).

The first patch is the checksum algorithm itself. I have done
some documentation updates and moved it into the C file (rather
than the README), but further explanation of the "shift right 3"
modification will need to be by Ants or Florian.

The second patch adds the configure-time check for the right
compilation flags, and uses them when compiling checksum.c. I
called the new variable CFLAGS_EXTRA, for lack of a better idea,
so feel free to come up with a new name. It doesn't check for, or
use, -msse4.1, but that can be specified by the user by
configuring with CFLAGS_EXTRA="-msse4.1".

I don't know of any more required changes, aside from
documentation improvements.

     Jeff Davis

Attachment: fnv-jeff-20130426.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fnv-jeff-20130426-cflags-extra.patch
Description: Binary data

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