
> Without a lexer it is possible to fool pgbench with somehow contrived
> examples, say with:
>   SELECT 'hello;
>     world';
> The ";" within the string will be considered as end-of-line.
> Also, comments intermixed with sql on the same line would generate errors.
>   SELECT 1 -- one
>     + 3;
> Would fail, but comments on lines of their own are ok.
> It may be argued that these are not a likely scripts and that this
> behavior could be declared as a "feature" for keeping the code simple.

Yeah, these seem pretty contrived.  I would personally be OK with
breaking them.

> ISTM that it would be an overall improvement, but also the ;-termination
> requirement breaks backward compatibility.

Look, how many people in the world develop their own pgbench scripts?
And how many of those aren't on this list right now, reading this
thread?  I expect I could count them on my fingers and toes.
Backwards-compatability for pgdump, pg_basebackup, initdb, etc. matters.
 The worst case with pgbench is that we break two people's test scripts,
they read the release notes, and fix them.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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