On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Initially, we started with extending the 'waiting' column in
> pg_stat_activity,
> to which some people have raised concerns about backward
> compatability, so another option that came-up during discussion was to
> retain waiting as it-is and have an additional column 'wait_event' in
> pg_stat_activity, after that there is feedback that we should try to include
> wait information about background processes as well which raises a bigger
> question whether it is any good to expose this information via
> pg_stat_activity
> (pg_stat_activity doesn't display information about background processes)
> or is it better to have a new view as discussed here [1].
> Second important and somewhat related point is whether we should save
> this information in PGPROC as 4 bytes or keep it in pgBackendStatus.
> I think it is better to store in PGPROC, if we want to save wait information
> for backend processes as well.
> I am of opinion that we should save this information in PGPROC and
> expose it via new view, but I am open to go other ways based on what
> others think about this matter.

My opinion is that storing the information in PGPROC is better because
it seems like we can fairly painlessly expose 4 bytes of data that way
instead of 1, which is nice.

On the topic of the UI, I understand that redefining
pg_stat_activity.waiting might cause some short-term annoyance.  But I
think in the long term what we are proposing here is going to be a
huge improvement, so I think it's worth the compatibility break.  If
we say that pg_stat_activity.waiting has to continue meaning "waiting
for a heavyweight lock" even though we now also expose (in some other
location) information on other kinds of waits, that's going to be
confusing to users.  It's better to force people to update their
queries once than to have this confusing wart in the system forever.
I predict that if we make backward compatibility the priority here,
we'll still be explaining it to smart but confused people when 9.6
goes EOL.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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