On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 13:51, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I believe the problem is not that there isn't enough information, but
> not enough people able to do the work.  Seeking solutions in areas that
> aren't helping was the illustration.

Yes Bruce, but you're failing to see that a more structured information
infrastructure will attract more people to do the work which could
eventually solve the problem you're having in the first place
(contradicting your argument that it won't help), at the cost of some
possible additional work (which I actually think you're overestimating
the amount of - it's probably more like a learning curve than actual
additional work).

The fact that there is enough information is not relevant, it must be in
the right place too - too much information or hard to find information
is sometimes worst than no information.


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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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