
> Get rid of gborg and let's talk.


Actually, AFAICT, the only active thing left on GBorg is WWW.  If we move 
that, we can shut it down.  Any objections?

> Why am I having to spend hours in Syndey saying the same thing?  Why
> don't you guys go ahead and change things, and when they fail, I will
> still be around.

You're acting as a majority of one, here, Bruce.  The reason why any solution 
anyone else tries *will* fail is because you will refuse to participate in 
it.  That's why people are trying to persuade you instead of just going ahead 
and doing it; you have the power to effectively sandbag anything anyone else 
does, so that's why nobody wants to put effort into it if you're opposed.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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