Ühel kenal päeval, R, 2007-09-07 kell 12:20, kirjutas apoc9009:
> Trevor Talbot schrieb:
> >> Backup 12/24/2008 Version 2
> >> /pg/backup/12_24_2008/base/rcvry.rcv    <--- Basebackup
> >> /pg/backup/12_24_2008/changes/0001.chg  <--- Changed Data
> >>                      /changes/0002.chg  <--- Changed Data
> >>                      /changes/0003.chg  <--- Changed Data
> >>                       ....
> >>                      /changes/0010.chg  <--- Changed Data
> >>                      /changes/0001.rsf  <---  Recovery
> >>
> >> Stripeset File (10 MByte) addon of Basebackup
> >>                     delete *.chg
> >>
> >> if a Stripeset of 10 *.chg Files exist, they should be converted or merged
> >> to one bigger *.rsf Stripesetfile (to prevent for having Millions *.chg)
> >>
> >>     
> >> Why?  What does this actually do?
> This is the Structure on FTP-Site of the Backupserver! Not locally where 
> the Postmaster runs on!

This can currently be done with a simple script, either with ftp or


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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